Planting the Seeds of Financial Literacy: Engaging Activities for Ages 5 to 7

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Financial Literacy for kids 5 to 7 - Activities-Featured Images
  • Angaiyarkanni Asokan
  • 15 Mar, 2024
  • 1 Min Read

Planting the Seeds of Financial Literacy: Engaging Activities for Ages 5 to 7

Let us embark on a fun-filled journey to the fascinating world of finance to learn about coins and savings. Kids between the ages of 5 and 7 will have a basic idea that money needs to be earned and is used to buy things. An easy way would be to relate it to your job, how you get paid every month, what your expenses are and how you set aside savings for the future.

Money Basics for 5 to 7-year-old kids

Become a Coin and Bill Detective

Teach kids the different denominations of coins and bills using play money.  Create a fun and engaging sorting activity, using decorated boxes or containers labelled with different denominations. Give your child play money and have them sort them into the respective containers. This activity will help kids learn the different denominations of currency.

Match Your Bills

Create cards with different amounts of money written on them. Use play money and ask them to pick the correct coins and notes to match the money written on the card.

The Piggy Powerhouse

Encourage kids to make a piggy bank with recyclable materials and teach them about savings. Help them to collect spare change and deposit in their piggy bank. They can periodically count the coins in the piggy bank and make a note of it. Kids will observe that as they keep adding to the piggy bank, their Savings grows.

Monthly Savings Tracker - Financial Literacy 5 to 7 years

The Great Grocery Game

Use the play money and enjoy a game of grocery shopping with your kids. They can make purchases with the play money they have, calculate the total amount to pay, and determine how much change they will receive as a balance. This activity allows children to practice their math skills as a bonus.

Online Games

Online games are one of the effective ways by which kids can learn about counting and sorting money.

Angaiyarkanni Asokan

As a former banker and a tech-savvy professional, I have honed my skills in creating written and visual content across diverse fields. I craft insightful articles that guide parents through the multifaceted journey of raising children, offering practical advice and heart-warming perspectives. By blending creativity with clarity, I transform information into captivating content that educates, inspires, and resonates with my audience.


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