Courses Offered
Explore a wide range of Coding Courses for Kids at eduSeed! Whether your child is just starting their coding journey or looking to advance their skills, we have the perfect course for them. Our comprehensive curriculum covers everything from Block-Based Languages like ScratchJr, Scratch and AppInventor to Text-Based Languages like Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and beyond. With expert instructors and hands-on projects, your child will gain the knowledge and experience needed to excel in the tech world. Discover the exciting world of coding for kids with eduSeed!

- Age 6+
- 16 Sessions

Scratch Programming
Create animations, games, and interactive projects using visual blocks, encouraging creativity, imagination and developing logical thinking and analytical skills.
- Age 7+
- 48 Sessions

Artificial Intelligence
Explore the concepts of AI like computer vision, face detection & recognition, speech recognition and machine learning through graphical programming using PictoBlox.
- Age 8+
- 16 Sessions

Mobile App Development
Build mobile apps for Android devices using visual blocks in MIT AppInventor, fostering programming comprehension. Deploy your App in the PlayStore.
- Age 9+
- 48 Sessions

Python Programming
Acquire coding proficiency, problem-solving abilities, and create graphics and games using Turtle and Pygame with in-depth training in the Python Language.
- Age 10+
- 48 Sessions

JavaScript Fundamentals
Build a strong foundation in coding for the web. From basics to advanced concepts, journey through the language that powers dynamic and interactive websites.
- Age 12+
- 32 Sessions

Desktop & Web Apps using Python
Master the art of GUI design, desktop app development with Tkinter and web app creation using Flask. Bring your code to life on both desktop and the web.
- Age 12+
- 32 Sessions

Web App Development with VanillaJS
Create and style web pages using HTML and CSS, enhance interactivity, and build dynamic websites, web applications and games using Vanilla JS.
- Age 13+
- 48 Sessions

Java Programming
Learn Java fundamentals and object-oriented concepts, cultivating problem-solving abilities and preparing for future coding endeavors with hands-on projects.
- Age 14+
- 48 Sessions