Welcome to eduSeed's Math Program!
At eduSeed, we believe that every student has the potential to excel in mathematics. Our math classes are designed to ignite a passion for learning, build strong foundations, and instill confidence in young minds.
We don't just teach math; we inspire a lifelong curiosity for the subject. Through our online math classes for kids, we are excited to embark on this mathematical journey with your child and help them unlock their full potential.
Take the first step towards a brighter mathematical future and enroll your child in our math program today. Sign up for a free trial class to experience our teaching style firsthand.
Together, let's build a solid mathematical foundation for your child's future success.
Program Modules
Number Sense: Understanding numbers, their values, and how they relate to each other, which forms the foundation for all other math concepts.
Place Value: Learning how digits represent different values depending on their position, helping students understand numbers beyond single digits.
Comparison: Teaching children how to compare numbers, quantities, and sizes using terms like greater than, less than, and equal to.
Addition: Introducing the concept of putting together two or more numbers to find their total, using simple addition problems.
Subtraction: Understanding how to take away one number from another, learning to find the difference between numbers.
Measurements: Learning how to measure length, weight, and capacity using basic units and comparing different measurements.
Time & Money: Teaching students to read clocks, understand time, and recognize and count different coins and bills to solve simple money problems.
Geometry: Exploring basic shapes, patterns, and spatial understanding, helping children identify and classify different shapes around them.
Data Handling: Introducing the basics of collecting, organizing, and interpreting simple data using charts, graphs, and tables.
Number Sense: Building a deeper understanding of numbers, their sequences, and relationships, place value up to hundreds, to help students with more complex counting and mental math.
Addition & Subtraction: Expanding skills with larger numbers, learning to add and subtract within 100, and solving word problems involving these operations.
Multiplication: Introducing the concept of multiplication as repeated addition, using arrays and number lines to help students understand and solve basic multiplication facts.
Division: Learning division as sharing or grouping, using visual aids to help students grasp the concept of dividing numbers into equal parts.
Fractions: Introducing basic fractions, teaching students to identify halves, thirds, and quarters, and understanding how fractions represent parts of a whole.
Measurements: Continuing to explore measurements of length, weight, and capacity using standard units, and solving problems involving different types of measurements.
Time & Money: Enhancing skills in telling time to the nearest five minutes, understanding the concepts of a.m. and p.m., and solving more complex problems involving money.
Geometry: Exploring more advanced shapes, learning about symmetry, and understanding the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
Data Handling: Collecting, organizing, and interpreting more complex data using bar graphs, pictograms, and simple charts to solve real-world problems.
Number Sense: Developing a stronger understanding of numbers, including place value up to the thousands, rounding, and estimating to build mental math skills.
Addition & Subtraction: Mastering addition and subtraction with larger numbers, using strategies like regrouping (carrying and borrowing), and solving multi-step word problems.
Multiplication & Division: Building proficiency in multiplication and division facts, understanding their relationship, and solving problems using these operations, including simple multi-digit multiplication.
Fractions: Deepening knowledge of fractions by learning how to compare, order, and represent fractions on a number line, and understanding equivalent fractions.
Measurements: Expanding skills in measuring length, weight, capacity, and temperature using both standard and metric units, and solving real-life problems involving measurement.
Time & Money: Refining skills in telling time to the nearest minute, solving problems involving elapsed time, and understanding more complex transactions with money.
Geometry: Exploring properties of more complex shapes, understanding perimeter and area, and identifying angles and lines of symmetry in different shapes.
Data Handling: Learning to collect, organize, and interpret data using bar graphs, line plots, and pictograms, and drawing conclusions from the information presented.
Number Sense: Enhancing understanding of large numbers up to 5-digit and 6-digit numbers, recognizing patterns, rounding numbers, and improving skills in mental math and estimation.
Computation Operations: Strengthening skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with larger numbers, including multi-digit calculations and multi-step problem-solving.
Factors and Multiples: Learning to find factors and multiples of numbers, including prime numbers, and understanding the concepts of greatest/highest common factor/division (HCF/GCD/GCF) and least common multiple (LCM).
Fractions: Deepening knowledge of fractions by learning how to add, subtract, compare, and simplify fractions, as well as understanding mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Decimals: Introducing the concept of decimals, understanding place value in tenths and hundredths, and learning to add, subtract, compare, and round decimals.
Measurements: Practicing measurement of length, weight, volume, and temperature with greater precision, and solving complex problems involving different units of measurement.
Time & Money: Solving more advanced problems involving time, including calculating elapsed time in various scenarios, and handling complex money transactions and budgeting.
Geometry: Exploring properties of two-dimensional shapes, understanding angles, lines, symmetry, and learning to classify different types of polygons and quadrilaterals.
Area & Perimeter: Calculating the area and perimeter of various shapes, including rectangles, squares, and compound shapes, and solving real-life problems involving these concepts.
Data Handling: Learning to collect, organize, display, and interpret data using bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts, and analyzing data to draw conclusions.
Number Sense: Building a deeper understanding of numbers, including place value up to billions, prime and composite numbers, and exploring negative numbers and exponents.
Computation Operations: Mastering advanced addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations with larger numbers and solving multi-step word problems.
Factors and Multiples: Enhancing skills in finding factors, multiples, prime factorization, and understanding greatest common divisors (GCD) and least common multiples (LCM).
Fractions and Decimals: Learning to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and decimals, understanding the relationship between the two, and converting between them.
Percentage: Introducing the concept of percentage as a part of a whole, learning to calculate percentages, and applying percentages to real-life situations such as discounts and interest.
Measurements: Practicing measurement in a variety of contexts, including using standard and metric units for length, mass, volume, and solving complex measurement problems.
Mensuration: Learning to calculate the area, perimeter, and volume of different shapes, including rectangles, triangles, and irregular figures, and solving real-world problems.
Geometry & Data Handling: Exploring geometric concepts such as angles, properties of shapes, and symmetry, as well as collecting, organizing, and interpreting data using advanced charts and graphs.
Number Sense: Enhancing understanding of whole numbers, decimals, and the number line, including concepts such as rounding, estimating, and understanding prime numbers.
Factors and Multiples: Building on knowledge of factors and multiples, including prime factorization, greatest common divisor (GCD), and least common multiple (LCM).
Fractions and Decimals: Mastering operations with fractions and decimals, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and converting between fractions and decimals.
Ratio and Proportion: Introducing the concepts of ratios and proportions, understanding equivalent ratios, and solving real-world problems involving direct proportions.
Integers: Understanding positive and negative numbers, learning to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with integers, and applying these skills in different scenarios.
Algebra: Beginning to explore algebraic expressions, learning to solve simple equations, and understanding the use of variables and constants in mathematical expressions.
Measurements: Applying measurement skills to solve problems involving length, area, volume, and capacity, using both standard and metric units with precision.
Mensuration: Learning to calculate the surface area and volume of different shapes, including cubes, cuboids, and cylinders, and solving real-life mensuration problems.
Geometry: Studying properties of geometric shapes, understanding different types of angles, and exploring concepts such as congruence, symmetry, and basic constructions.
Data Handling: Collecting, organizing, and interpreting data using tables, bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts, and drawing conclusions from statistical information.
Integers: Understanding and performing operations with positive and negative numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and applying these concepts to real-world scenarios.
Fractions and Decimals: Mastering the manipulation of fractions and decimals, including converting between them, performing arithmetic operations, and solving complex word problems.
Rational Numbers: Introducing rational numbers, understanding their representation on a number line, and learning to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
Exponents and Powers: Learning about exponents and powers, including the rules of exponents, and applying these concepts to simplify mathematical expressions.
Ratio and Proportion: Deepening understanding of ratios and proportions, solving problems involving direct and inverse proportions, and applying these concepts to real-life situations.
Algebra: Building on algebraic knowledge by solving more complex equations, understanding inequalities, and using algebraic expressions to solve word problems.
Mensuration: Calculating the area, surface area, and volume of various two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, such as triangles, circles, cylinders, and spheres.
Geometry & Data Handling: Exploring properties of different geometric figures, including triangles and quadrilaterals, learning about angles and their relationships, and collecting, organizing, and interpreting data using advanced statistical tools like histograms and frequency polygons.
Rational Numbers: Enhancing understanding of rational numbers, their properties, and performing arithmetic operations with them, including finding equivalent rational numbers.
Exponents and Powers: Mastering the laws of exponents, working with both positive and negative exponents, and applying powers to simplify mathematical expressions and solve problems.
Squares & Square Roots: Learning to calculate squares and square roots of numbers, understanding their properties, and solving equations involving square roots.
Cubes & Cube Roots: Exploring cubes and cube roots, understanding their properties, and using these concepts to solve real-world problems and equations.
Ratio and Proportion: Deepening knowledge of ratios, direct and inverse proportions, and applying these concepts in solving problems related to speed, time, and other practical scenarios.
Algebra: Expanding on algebraic concepts, including solving linear equations with multiple variables, working with polynomials, and factoring algebraic expressions.
Measurements: Applying measurement concepts in various contexts, including accurate measurement of length, area, volume, and surface area using appropriate units.
Mensuration: Calculating the surface area and volume of more complex shapes, including cones, spheres, and hemispheres, and solving real-life problems involving these shapes.
Geometry: Studying properties and relationships of geometric figures, including angles, congruence, similarity, and the Pythagorean theorem, and solving related problems.
Data Handling: Learning advanced data representation techniques, such as scatter plots and histograms, understanding probability concepts, and interpreting data to make informed decisions.

About our Program

Improved Math Skills
Our math program is designed to enhance your child’s mathematical abilities, ensuring they grasp important concepts and develop strong problem-solving skills. We focus on building a solid foundation in math that will benefit them throughout their academic journey.
Boosted Confidence
As students gain proficiency in math, their self-confidence soars. They will approach math challenges with newfound assurance, which often extends to other subjects and aspects of their lives.
Love for Learning
We believe that learning should be an enjoyable experience. Our engaging and interactive teaching methods not only foster a love for math but also instill a broader passion for learning in general. Your child will look forward to each math class.
Critical Thinking Skills
Math is more than just numbers; it’s about thinking critically and logically. Our program encourages students to think deeply, analyze problems, and come up with innovative solutions, skills that are transferable to various life situations.
Individualized Attention
Our instructors focus on the specific needs of each student. This personalized approach ensures that every students excels in our online math classes for kids.
Comprehensive Curriculum
Our curriculum is meticulously crafted to align with grade-level standards, ensuring that your child receives a well-rounded math education that covers all the essential topics.
Monthly Progress Reports
Detailed monthly reports for tracking your child’s math journey, achievements, and areas of improvement, keeping you informed and involved in their learning.
Real-World Application
We emphasize the practical application of math in everyday life. This approach helps students see the relevance of math in solving real-world problems, making the subject more engaging and relatable.
Preparation for Future Success
A strong foundation in math is not only beneficial for academic achievements but also for future career opportunities. We prepare your child for a world where math skills are in high demand.
Hear from Our Parents and Students

“ My son Harshiv has been enrolled in eduSeed’s online Maths Program and it was the best decision we ever made for him. After Covid, Harshiv’s school toned down the syllabus and he was bored with his school math as it was very basic. That’s when we came across eduSeed in Instagram and enrolled him immediately. His tutor organizes the classes remarkably well. I have never seen my son getting bored or dull during the sessions even though it’s online. He eagerly waits for his next class and attends with great enthusiasm. They also cover logical reasoning concepts which I know will be immensely helpful for his future. Also, they help with his preparation for the International Math Olympiad which is an added bonus. They never hesitate to alter the course plan according to the students’ needs. Honestly, I feel eduSeed’s Maths Program is a great boon to us."

Raja Rathi Arjun
Mother of Harshiv (Grade 3), Kollam
“ I have been enrolled in eduSeed’s Math Program for the past three months. Basically, I’m a chess player. I will miss my school classes while playing chess tournaments in various cities. After joining here, I’m really thankful to my tutors for their prominent training. They make me clear on each topic before moving onto the next topic. They provide many worksheets for each and every chapter. Now, I’m totally stress-free from missing my school classes. "

Grade 5, Virudhunagar
“ I take both math and coding classes at eduSeed. I like my instructors because they are very nice. And whenever I need help with something, they explain more thoroughly till I understand what they are saying. And they accommodate all my needs. So my instructors and the classes in general are really a great service to me! ."

Syed Adyaan Islam
Grade 6, New York
Kudos to the team!!! Very well planned and organized. The instructor explains the concept very clearly such that kids understands it. She is also very patient and clarifies kids doubts even if they ask multiple times. Need to mention that the session is very very interactive in such a way that kids wont lose interest in it. My kid is very interested and happy to learn maths from eduSeed team. Keep it up team.